Saturday, October 14, 2006

sleep like a log

tidur nyenyak banget bahkan suara rame ngga bisa bikin bangun

i was so tired last night that i slept like a log.

speak of the devil

orang yang pas lagi diomongin tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan

we were talking about tom when all of a sudden he walked in. "aha! speak of the devil!"

Sunday, October 08, 2006

miss the boat

kehilangan kesempatan karena terlalu lambat atau terlambat

damn. the sale is over. i miss the boat!

couch potato

orang yang suka duduk berlama-lama di sofa biasanya sambil makan makanan ringan atau nonton tipi.

my friend likes to sit around eating chips while watching television. she is a couch potato.

money to burn

uang lebih, uang untuk dipake sesukanya.

he is taking us to an expensive restaurant, he must have money to burn.

in the pink

sehat, kondisi kesehatannya bagus, dalam keadaan yang bagus.

i am feeling in the pink now. thanks for the treatment doctor!
i always take a good care of my dogs. they always stay in the pink.

rain cats and dogs

hujan deras

don't forget your umbrella! it is raining cats and dogs.

Friday, October 06, 2006

in the same boat

berada di situasi yang sama buruknya.

both jane and i do not have money at all. we are in the same boat.

hold one's horses

bersikap tenang atau sabar ketika sedang terburu-buru

i know you are very excited about the plan, but hold your horses, there are still things to do before we can execute it!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

don't rain on my parade

jangan merusak rencana-rencana saya.

oh c'mon! don't rain on my parade. you can ask someone else to go with you.

something to crow about

sesuatu untuk dibanggakan.

her performance was so outstanding. She even got a standing ovation. She surely has something to crow about.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

pull strings

menggunakan pengaruh seseorang.

i am a hotelier. i can pull strings to get you some discounts for accommodation.

green thumb

kalo nanem-nanem tanaman pasti sukses. ibaratnya tinggal nancepin batang keluar daunnya deh hihihi

my mother has a green thumb. you should see her garden! everything grows well.

get cold feet

jadi takut untuk melakukan sesuatu, kehilangan keberanian

i wanted to ask him something but i got cold feet. he looked angry.